To Grace, on your 9th birthday!
Where to even start with you? You are a lovely, sweet, creative, and kind young woman. You are such an amazing big sister and we are so thankful for you! You constantly surprise me with all the things that you know and are able to do. You read all the time and I can't keep you in good books. You pay attention to the world around you and are curious about all things...especially when dad and I try to whisper or keep a secret!
You take care of all our rabbits and do such a great job! You are also quick to help with things around the house - you definitely prefer helping with Faith and I think your least favorite is getting the boys out of bed or possibly putting away laundry. Most of your time is spent reading or playing (other than school work). You like to make up games for your siblings but you do get frustrated when they don't play how you are wanting them to play.
You have reached that age where you are fun to hang out with and talk to. You have great ideas and I love that you have your own opinions but that you are not set in your ways and willing to hear what others have to say. You work hard, you play hard, and you are lovely!
I love you very much,

For your birthday dinner we are having:
Smoked rabbit, grilled peaches and corn
For your birthday cake you had: A chocolate and strawberry checkerboard cake, blue frosting and flower decorations
Your favorite toys are:
Books, play-doh, art supplies but you would rather be hunting or hiking with your dad or on some great adventure than playing with toys :) You like to use the little kid toys to make games for your siblings
You don't like: When I ask you to help too much (fair!) or not being included in all the adult things yet
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