
To Isaac, on your 9th Birthday

 Isaac,  Oh my goodness, how are you 9 already?  You were so teeny tiny when you were born and now you are so tall and just look like such a big kid.  I mean, you're practically a teen so it makes sense, I'm just not ready for it.  I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant with you.  I was so excited.  I am so glad I get to be your momma, you are such a fun kid! You love to come into the kitchen in the morning and help stir the eggs.  You like to declare that they "look like eggs" when they start cooking.  I was watching you outside today and you do a little hop skip when you walk.  I am not sure why, you do it a lot, but it's cute.  It always makes me think you are just cheerful and delighted with life. You are great at building legos and VERY into Pokemon right now.  You also like to play with Lily, your brothers and sisters, and to play Minecraft on the Switch.  You do not like people picking at you or being loud with you - who does really?  You do su

To Jacob, on your 10th birthday!

 Jacob, This was a big year!  You turned 10!  That meant a birthday trip with dad and you guys went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  You guys did a mirror maze, rode the big ferris wheel, and bought SWORDS!  You guys carried those swords to the top of the mountain which I think was pretty incredible!  I know it was fun time with your dad, but I wish I could have been there! For your birthday I redid your bedroom and added some display shelves for your Lego creations.  I also added a bulletin board and dry erase board.  Grandma, Abi, and Grace helped me!  It was a surprise when you got home from your trip and I hope you love it! You are turning into such a helpful young man.  You do the things I ask quickly and cheerfully.  It is helpful to to me and your dad.  I appreciate the way you serve your family.  You also really like to mop which delights me! :) You are learning how to read a room so much better.  You are thoughtful in listening to our instruction and I think you are growing le

To Levi, on your 10th Birthday!

Levi, This was a big year!  You turned 10!  That meant a birthday trip with dad and you guys went to Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  You guys did a mirror maze, rode the big ferris wheel, and bought SWORDS!  You guys carried those swords to the top of the mountain which I think was pretty incredible!  I know it was fun time with your dad, but I wish I could have been there! You are getting braces this year and handling that like a champion.  It'll take some getting used to, but I know you'll adjust.  You love to read and are obsessed with Wingfeather Saga (which Grandma got you for your birthday).  You still love Legos and come up with some really creative builds.  I'm always so impressed.  For your birthday I redid your bedroom and added some display shelves for your Lego creations. You are both a night owl and early riser and I never feel like you get enough sleep.  You are finishing up a cross stitch project that I can't wait to see you finish and I love how you've stuck

To Grace, on your 14th birthday!

   Grace, You are such a lovely girl.  You are a huge help to me and dad babysitting when we need to run out.  You are also so good at doing the little girls' hair that I often give you that job before we need to leave the house.   You have taken a huge interest in hair this year and getting highlights was the only thing you wanted for your birthday (other than a phone, which wasn't about to happen!).  You watch hair tutorials all the time and are learning all kinds of new skills.  It is impressive, even more so I think because you've done it on your own. Watching you grow into this beautiful young woman is so fun and encouraging.  I love that you still come to talk to me about hard stuff and don't shy away too much from difficult conversations.  You have shown great discernment in the books you are reading and the stuff you put into your head.   I'm proud of you kiddo! Love, Mom Birthday cake: chocolate chocolate chocolate cake Birthday Dinner: chicken tenders F

To Tim, on your 7th Birthday!

  Tim-boy,  How are you seven already?  It amazes me how fast time goes and you are my littlest boy.  Goodness.  Your smile lights up every room you are in.  You have so much personality and people are always telling me how sweet you are and how thoughtful you are.  I see it.  You will still get in my lap and sit with me.  You give hugs like they are the best thing ever.  You are a delight.  You have so much spunk in you sometimes it is hard to reign it in.  You know what you want and go for it.  You love to share a room with Isaac and don't like being by yourself at night or at rest time.  You love to build Legos - both out of kits and of your own imagination!  It's so fun to watch.   You are starting to learn the value of money and ask me to buy stuff all the time!  It's fun to watch you try to figure out how to earn money to get what you want - usually Legos. :)  You delight me and I love to watch your personality continue to grow!  Love, Mom Favorite Toys: Legos Favori

To Abi, on your 12th Birthday!

 Abigail Ann, You are becoming such a lovely young woman - it is a pleasure to watch you grow up and see how things I've seen in you since you were little (creativity and kindness) become even more refined.  You have developed a love of reading which shocks and delights me!  It is so fun to watch you get excited to explore worlds in books. You are kind and generous.  You often share things with siblings that is above and beyond generous.  You think of others often before yourself.  You also have a fiery side that comes out in a protective way and it is also fun to watch personality just flow out of you.   You are noticing boys a lot more and watching you navigate that whole new world has been delightful.  You are handling it well and I'm glad to watch you mature. Abi, you delight me and I am so thankful you are mine.  You are helpful and kind.  You are thoughtful and generous.  You are a firecracker and a delight.  Keep it up young one. Love, Mom Birthday cake: Pineapple cake

To Faith, on your 5th birthday!

   Faith,  You are SO excited about turning five!  Your morning started with helium balloons in your bedroom thanks to your Dad.  Then we had coco puffs and lucky charms.  For a minute you believed that I forgot to make you a birthday cake, but my friend Christina made you the coolest unicorn cake.  You were delighted!  You have changed so much in the past year.  You are fiesty and independent but still love to give hugs and kisses.  You play hard, love hard, and desperately want to be one of the big kids.  I think though, you are still ok with some of the extra attention and privileges that being little gets you.  Daddy took you to get your ears pierced - you picked out little diamond earrings and they are adorable!  You are so excited and I was surprised that you were so excited to go!    I am so excited to see how you are getting so big and just enjoying life!  Keep it up princess!  Love, Mama Birthday cake: Unicorn cake! Birthday Dinner: pizza Favorite Toys: coloring and playing