To Grace, on your 15th birthday!

 Grace Louise,

You my dear are hitting the teen years fast and hard.  Glory, you have gone from little kid to (almost) full grown adult almost over night and while it is glorious to watch it is also hard on my momma heart.  Keep going though.  It delights me to watch you work through different situations and to see you figure out how to navigate relationships and circumstances.  You have grown so much in the past year and have become characterized by (mostly) wide decision making, choosing good friends, and recognizing when you need help.

You are VERY into makeup, skin care, hair design, and more.  Your current plan is to study cosmetology and I can't wait to see you jump into this.  I think this will be perfect for you.  You are such a huge help to me by doing the little girls' hair when we have places to be and you have recently started cutting the boys' hair.  You also have started babysitting at other people's houses and it's just cool to watch you blossom.  I am not sure, but I don't think I could be more proud of you.

I know you will continue to struggle through figuring out who you are and how that fits with the world around you.  My prayer is you will constantly find a safe place with me and Dad, that your hope will be in Jesus and you will press into the world without fear.

Love you,

Birthday cake: chocolate cake with chocolate

Birthday Dinner: Chicken tenders and french fries

Favorite Thing to Do: Pick out things to furnish your "apartment" with Abigail on shein, learn about hair and make up

Least Favorite Thing: Being corrected :)_


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