To Jacob, on your 7th birthday!

Jacob! You are such a fun, energetic kid! You are so animated and full of life. You are a loud kiddo and excited about everything. It has been so fun to see you just get this huge personality. You are doing so well in school and whip through your work like it is no big deal. I am always so impressed with you! You are quick to ask if you can help me with what I am working on and you love to play with Faith. You don't like when I don't want help though! You are reading so well and it is fun to see you learning new things all the time! You like to play video games on your tablet and the Nintendo, build forts and play outside. It is not unusual for you to lead the charge asking to play outside! You are creative and fun. You are competitive and kind. You are helpful, quick to think of others and a joy. You are thoughtful, methodical, and a great problem solver! I love you my boy, and I am s...