Homeschool Update

So I am thinking all things homeschool lately...mainly because my husband gave me an awesome budget for next year that is allowing me to think outside the box a little bit.  We just purchased two Chromebooks for the girls to use with their school work...then I threw out the internet based curriculum I was using.  Right?  Ha!  Fortunately I got a great deal on them and one only works when it is sitting right next to the router so they are going to send me a third one for FREE! 

Anyway, enough about that.  This year has been frustrating with History and Science.  The curriculum we are using is good, but it isn't capturing Grace's attention and she is young enough that I want her to really enjoy it, not just get through it.  When she has classes she HAS to take for high school credits she can worry about doing them because she has to.  Right now, we're going to enjoy it.  The curriculum we've been using is pretty dry next year as well for history and science so the plan is to come up with something new.  Here is what I'm thinking so far...

History - The Good and The Beautiful, Year 1
    We will use this for both girls with individualized assignments.  My desire for next year was a literature based curriculum since my kid LOVES to read.  This is the best price one that incorporates what I'm looking for - the big boxed curriculums are just way too expensive.  The only thing I don't love about this is she is writing with a LDS background, but I have yet to find a complaint about religious incorporations that don't match protestant we will keep a sharp eye and see what happens.

English/Language Arts - The Good and The Beautiful
   Grace will use Level 3 and Abi will use Level 1.  These books look BEAUTIFUL so I can't wait to get my hands on them.  I love that we will be able to pick from a book list mostly instead of too many structured readings.  Grace does better when she gets to pick instead of being told what to read.  Again, same "complaint" as above but I will be actively working through it with them so we will see if it will work for us in the future.

Writing - Paragraph of the Week
This would be just Grace and would help her gain some confidence in her writing and handwriting.  I think we'd do one every couple of weeks.

Math - Math Mammoth
Sticking with what we've been using!  I really like how it is laid out and it allows them to work pretty independently.  Grace will start on 3B and Abi on 1A.

Science - Unit Studies
We are going to be doing some Unit Studies based on Magic School Bus episodes and books.  I can't find the link at the moment but there are some great activities put together so it should be good!

Art - Art Tango
This is an online art curriculum for various grade levels!  Should be fun and enough to keep them busy.  I'm thinking one per week but I'll probably get suckered into two or more! 

Piano - Hoffman Academy
Basic piano lessons with Hoffman Academy.  Grace started this during this school year but because it wasn't formal we didn't stick with it well.  This year we will make it a part of the schedule but if it isn't working or we just don't enjoy it, we will toss it!

Bible - God Time
We will use the God Time cards given to the girls from church.  They are about 10 minutes each day of focusing on the character quality we are learning about at church that week.

Hmmm, I probably missed something.  Anyway, that is what next year is looking like right now.  And it looks like a lot, but it won't be all subjects every day (YEA!)  Oh, and the boys will be starting preschool with Easy Peasy and will be doing Getting Ready 1 just like the girls did!


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