To Levi, on your 11th birthday!


You are changing all the time and you are starting to look like a young man.  You have moved upstairs for middle school and church and are LOVING it!  Grandma gave you a camera for your birthday and you love to show me the pictures you are taking.  I see a creativity in you that is emerging and I love it!  You are thoughtful and analytical.  You are observant and try to figure out the world around you.

You LOVE to read and devour books.  It is hard to keep you in good books.  You also like to play Nintendo a lot and it's been fun to watch you figure out different games and how to get past the challenging parts.  

You are almost done (I think) with your braces and have done a great job with them.  I know it hasn't always been comfortable and you are probably really missing apples :)  I am excited to see how your mouth feels when you don't have to deal with any of it any more!

I am so proud of who you are and who you are becoming.  I pray that you continue to learn about Jesus and what it means to follow Him.  

Love you,

Birthday cake: butter cake with blue vanilla icing and Harry Potter decor! (You decorated it!)

Birthday Dinner: Pizza

Favorite Thing to Do: Read, draw, play Nintendo

Least Favorite Thing: Feeling like you aren't treated fairly


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