Homeschool Update - Week 1
Homeschooling with four school age kids and three younger ones is going about as you'd expect. It is loud, chaotic, and pretty fun! We are settling into a rhythm and I think everyone is enjoying school about as much as is possible.

The boys have been doing well with their work. Reading Eggs and Math Seeds seems to be a great fit for them. They love the computer work and I like that I don't have to teach that portion. When they finish the lesson we just do the worksheets that go with it and are done! Total it takes them about 45 minutes per day and it is just about perfect for their attention spans and abilities.
There is something wonderful about seeing all their faces gathered around the table. I made it a point to start each day with Bible as a family. We focus on the character quality they are learning at church (this month is Initiative) and do the quick lessons that are sent home. We've been following up at dinner too asking if they have shown initiative and talking more about what that looks like and what the Bible has to say about it. For example, today we learned we can't do what the Bible says unless we take initiative to learn what it says!
The little ones are doing well. Faith likes to be held constantly so she and I wander the room answering questions. Isaac has been playing on his tablet - in theory educational games but as long as he stays occupied and happy we're good. Timothy wanders in and out playing, asking questions and being a gorgeous little distraction. Good thing we like him!
Overall I'd say it's been a successful week although a bit chaotic. I know there are going to be moments that REALLY try my patience but we will do our best. Our schedule looks something like this right now...
8am - Up and getting dressed
9am - Breakfast / Chores / Outside Play
10am - School Starts
11am - Boys are done and head off to do something else creative with their little brains
12pm - Girls are done / lunch time
12:30pm - Rest / Girls finish school work
3pm - Let them be bored! Creative play
5pm - Show or tablets
6pm - Dinner / Clean Up
7pm - Baths / Play / Etc
8pm - Boys Bed (although they don't go to sleep until like 10...grrr)
8:30/9pm - Girls Bed
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