Postpartum sounds like such a weird word. And kind of an, eww, who wants to read that, type post. That could just be my postpartum brain talking.

Anyway, Faith is four weeks old today and it has seemed to fly by. She is doing great. She is putting on weight appropriately. She eats well, most of the time still two ounces at a time which I don't remember any of my other kids doing for this long. The flip side of that is before she sleeps for her long stretch at night and her long nap she eats 3-4 ounces usually. It lets me know I'm usually going to get a good stretch of sleep out of her. Sometimes though she'll fall asleep after 2 ounces for a long stretch and then wake up HUNGRY. Fair enough.
She is definitely a pacifier kid. I have one clipped to her car seat and one with her 90% of the time. It is nice because she soothes easily but of course when we can find it we are in for a rough time! Fortunately so far she has been easy and none of the boys have hid them (they really like clipping the pacifiers to their shirts though!)

I am feeling good. I'm not 100% back to normal but I'm feeling more normal than not normal if that makes sense. Most days aren't bad although every once in awhile I'll move a certain way that just makes me feel sore again. I still have a hard time lifting Timothy (any of the boys, but he is the only one the can't climb the changing table and has to be lifted in and out of bed). I also have a hard time with full laundry baskets. Other than that there isn't too much that I feel like I can't do.
My weight is in a good place but we don't need to talk about that. I'm pretty convinced the only reason my weight is anywhere near normal is because I lost muscle and gained fat. :) I seem to be maturing with age because my main thought is not, ugh, I need to work out (although I am looking forward to running soon!) it is usually, this body has grown seven kids. So there is that.
Overall, I'd say I am in the home stretch of recovery and Faith is adjusting to the world quite nicely!
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