To Levi, on your 5th birthday!


You are my wild man.  You are a fun loving, always on the go little man and I have a hard time keeping up with you.  You have more energy than anyone else in this family.  You tell stories with so much animation (and usually a really loud volume).  You are sweet and kind.  You are generally gentle with the little ones and look out for the people around you.  You have a bit of a fiery little temper but aimed in the right direction, that will serve you well.

You are so good at puzzles and your favorite thing to do these days is a look and find book.  It's fun watching your brain at work.  You have done such a good job with school work this year and are giving it your best effort.

You are fun and courageous.  You are gentle but sometimes very stubborn.  You are loud and crazy and wild.  Don't change ('cept maybe at bedtime).

I love you and am so thankful to be your momma!


For your birthday dinner we are having:
Cheese Pizza!

For your birthday cake you had:
Grandma made you a yellow cake with smiley faces all over it

Your favorite toys are:
Look and Find book, magna tiles, and your new bike

You don't like:
When people don't listen when you are talking and when you think anyone is laughing AT you instead of with you


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