#HowIHandleIt - Halloween
#HowIHandleIt - Halloween
When my husband saw Halloween on the list he said, "Oh, that'll be fun." very sarcastically. Because this seems to be one of the big battles within the church and it gets old having to state or defend my position (or your position, or anyone's position!). Here's where I'm at though: I do not like Halloween.

I will be the first to admit that I've been super judgmental and legalistic about the holiday. Like I might even question your brand of Christianity if you celebrate it. It was bad. I'm over that now - to each their own (although see above, I still feel fairly strongly about the celebration of death).
Currently, I don't participate too much and neither do our kids. We usually do the trunk or treat at our church and hand out candy at the house. Part of me wants to stay removed from it and part of me loves the fact that it may be the only time of year that my neighbor come knocking on my door and I get a chance to interact. Personally I feel like this is going to be one of those things that I continue to evaluate what level of participation we have on a yearly basis.
And yes, for the record I was allowed to dress up and go trick-or-treating when I was a child.
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