To Abi, on your 7th Birthday
Dear Abi Ann,
How are you seven already? Can you just stop? You are a lovely young lady and I'm thankful to be your momma! You are such a free spirit and artistic! More than I ever was, that is for sure! You love to create all the things...and not just art, you like to think through problems and come up with solutions. You are such a great helper for me and the little ones. You love your new sister. I am most likely to find you playing by yourself (you're like your mom that way) or creating an elaborate game with your brothers.
You are often willing to try new things as long as they don't involve bugs or anything too scary! You like school although you still are not a huge fan of reading but we'll get there! You do a great job and work hard and I always appreciate that!
Keep being you little one and don't let anyone tell you to be something different. Stick to what you know is true and stand firm in what is right. I am proud of you and can't wait to see who you become!
Love always,
For your birthday dinner we are having:
Pizza per your request!
For your birthday cake you had:

Your favorite toys are:
Anything art. Really. Anything that can be a project is your favorite. You also love your dolls and stuffed animals. Building forts and anything creative!
You don't like:
When dad drives fast down hills and around corners (even though everyone else in the car loves it), bugs, when you feel like someone is not taking you seriously or making fun of you.
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