To Grace, on your sixth birthday!
Can we just talk for a minute? Six? Really?!? Can you just stay 5? I can't even handle how fast you are growing up. You are such a joy! You are an amazing little girl. You are smart, you are helpful and you are sweet. Your favorite things to do are help me and play with your siblings. You are in first grade and learning a lot. Right now you love science and history. We'll see how that goes as you get older (those were mom's two least favorite subjects!). I'm certain that you will continue to shine. You are developing an awesome sense of humor and lately you've been saying things "freak you out" which is just hilarious to hear you say! I am so thankful for this in between stage where you aren't a baby any more, but you aren't too big for mom to hold you. I love getting to cuddle with you and tell stories. Don't get too big for me ok? I love you so much and am crazy proud of you...even if you refuse to stay five for me :)
Love you more than you know,
For your birthday dinner you asked for:
DAD's spaghetti and meatballs (actually, you told me I could make the spaghetti). Grandma, Papa, Great Grandma and Aunt Janet all came over!
For your birthday cake you asked for:
A castle. Of course :)
Your favorite toys are:
Legos. You also love to read your new big kid Bible that Great Grandma got you. You also really love to color and create.
You don't like:
Naps (sorry kid, mom still needs quiet time), feeling like you let anyone down or disappointed someone.
Love you more than you know,
For your birthday dinner you asked for:
DAD's spaghetti and meatballs (actually, you told me I could make the spaghetti). Grandma, Papa, Great Grandma and Aunt Janet all came over!
For your birthday cake you asked for:
A castle. Of course :)
Your favorite toys are:
Legos. You also love to read your new big kid Bible that Great Grandma got you. You also really love to color and create.
You don't like:
Our first day of co-op 9/15 |
You're rocking the whole parenthood thing. :)