To Isaac, on your 9th Birthday


 Oh my goodness, how are you 9 already?  You were so teeny tiny when you were born and now you are so tall and just look like such a big kid.  I mean, you're practically a teen so it makes sense, I'm just not ready for it.  I still remember the day I found out I was pregnant with you.  I was so excited.  I am so glad I get to be your momma, you are such a fun kid!

You love to come into the kitchen in the morning and help stir the eggs.  You like to declare that they "look like eggs" when they start cooking.  I was watching you outside today and you do a little hop skip when you walk.  I am not sure why, you do it a lot, but it's cute.  It always makes me think you are just cheerful and delighted with life.

You are great at building legos and VERY into Pokemon right now.  You also like to play with Lily, your brothers and sisters, and to play Minecraft on the Switch.  You do not like people picking at you or being loud with you - who does really?  You do such a good job cleaning up and even when you don't get a lot of help with your room you still work really hard. 

You are so fun to be around.  Right now math seems pretty easy for you although I'm not sure what your favorite subject is.  I think you just like getting done with school so you have time to play!  

 I am so proud of you and love your cheerful face and easy going ways.  You are quick with a "yes, mom", willing to help, and excited about life.


Love you always,



Birthday cake: strawberry with chocolate and butter cream frosting - orange monster!

Birthday Dinner: Pizza

Favorite Toys: Legos, Pokemon, Minecraft

Favorite Thing to Play: Minecraft probably

Least Favorite Thing: When people don't listen to you


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