
Today i sit on the floor of the living room, typing on a keyboard and watching it show up on my phone.  I'm wishing i could lay on my stomach to type because wouldn't that be easier, but wouldn't that also mean this baby had arrived and then who has time for writing any way.

I told my mom i was feeling sentimental about my kids.  She said that she could tell from the pictures i'd been posting.  I feel like i have been doing so much better savoring the moments...and when they are all sick and cuddly that forces a slow down.  But i love Levi's little dimples, J's hilarious expressions, Abi's random thoughts and Grace's thoughtful "I have two things to ask you.  First of all..."

Will I grow tired of that?  Is there a certain number of children a heart can handle until it becomes too full and there isn't more room for memories and attention spans and distractions?  Is there a time when instead of feeling like a blessing with a touch of overwhelming it will feel overwhelming with a hint of blessing?  I hope not.  I hope to enjoy these children, however many of them there are, with everything in me.

As I ask, God multiplies my time, not divides it and when I struggle He is still right there to call on for strength.  I choose and will continue to choose to live each day as a blessing and a monumental gift - and then take these children as they are given and rejoice in them is as well. I will choose to be faithful in this day, in this moment because that is all I'm really called to do anyway.


  1. I love that you are posting so often! <3 This post will be relevant when I come visit you next time... Just remember this post specifically :)


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