To Timothy, on your 6th Birthday
You are becoming such a sweet kid. I am so thankful to watch you grow up. You have changed so much over the past year. You had a little bit of a stubborn year but are starting to be a little calmer in your approach to life. You still LOVE dinosaurs. I bought you a Dino Encyclopedia for your birthday and I am so surprised how many your recognized from the pictures. It is still my favorite when you tell me that I am pronouncing them wrong!
You come downstairs in the morning and say "Good morning mom" and then stand by my chair until I scoot over so you can sit with me. And of course, instead of walking around to the front, you climb over the arm.
You like to play video games with your brothers and you like watching movies with your dad. You really like Jurassic Park and Avenger movies.
You are becoming such a good reader and you do a great job on your school work. Listening to you sound out words and figure out stories makes me so happy.
I love you kiddo. I pray you continue to grow in wisdom and to speak life with your words.
Love you,
cake: Chocolate cake decorated with chocolate bars, graham cracker crumbs, and dinosaurs
Birthday Dinner: Pizza
Favorite Toys: Dinos and puzzles
Thing to Play: You are very into puzzles and Legos right now
Least Favorite Thing: Being told what to do when you are tired.
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