To Abi, on your 10th Birthday!
You are my quietest, most introverted child and I love that I understand your ways :) You are thoughtful and considerate, quick to look out for your brothers and sisters. You seem to delight in teaching them and protecting them. You entertain them as well. You say you want to be an engineer, but I could see you being a teacher or a counselor one day too. You are empathetic and feel things quite deeply.
You are fire-y too though when you get worked up. You do not like being teased or taken advantage of, who does? You will fight back when provoked and I love that you don't let people walk all over you. You are creative and a problem solver and you come up with brilliant ideas.
You are currently loving to sew and have made clothing for your dolls, your sister, and all kinds of little things. I have no idea how long it will last, but you are enjoying it for now!
Abigail, I am so proud of who you are right now. I can't wait to see who you are going to become but I want you to know, even in this crazy loud house of ours you are not overlooked and your personality and quirks are not lost on me. You are a delight and a joy and I am so thankful for you!
Love always,

Birthday Dinner: Pineapple chicken
Favorite Toys: Playdoh, anything creative
Favorite Thing to Play: Sewing and you have started reading a lot lately!
Least Favorite Thing: Being made fun or...or any interaction when you're really tired
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