To Abigail, on your 8th Birthday!
Abi Ann,
You are spunky. You have so much joy and energy and you delight me. You LOVE to play games with your brothers and sisters - especially Levi. You like imagining, creating and building. You are one of the most creative people I know! You are doing a great job with school this year - I am so proud of how hard you are working! You love Science and tolerate everything else. It is my prayer and my hope that you continue to LOVE going to church, having great friends and being around your family.
I am starting to see more and more maturity in you. The way you think things through and tackle obstacles. You are more willing to try new things and you are starting to speak your mind more! I am so grateful for you little one!
Love always,

Birthday Dinner: Homemade Pizza
Favorite Toy: Dolls and blankets still, art stuff
Favorite Thing to Do: Play pretend with Levi
Least Favorite Thing to Do: Vacuum
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