All the Questions People Ask

Even before I had my own big family I wanted to watch and see how it worked.  Preferably with ear plugs because big families are loud.  :)   Now I have my own big family and it is fairly normal to me but people ask me all the time how I do certain things.  I need to hit some of these topics in upcoming posts.

Things like...
How do you get places on time?
How do you handle all the laundry?
How do you handle all the cooking?
How do you get everyone dressed for the day? (I've got lots of littles!)
How do you homeschool?
What does a normal day look like?
What kind of car do you drive? (Is it bad I don't know specifically?  I should check!)
How do you work?
How do you handle ministry requirements?

Ya know, those sorts of things!  So that is what I'm going to start working on.  Partially because I think it's fun to share.  Partially because I want to remember.  Partially because I need some sort of topic list or I am never going to get around to writing!  Sooooo....that's what I plan to start working on soon!


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