To Timothy, on your 1st Birthday


Tim Tim, Timmy, we call you so many things!  You have MASTERED "So big!" and throw your hands up on command.  You also throw your hands up and look at us expectantly for approval and for us to say "So big!" then you squeal with delight.  You wave bye bye and say Mama and Dada...although mostly Dada when you're being cute and Mama in the wee small hours of the nights.

You just started walking a few days ago.  None of your brothers figured out how to walk before they were one.  You're ahead of the game!  You have the best bright smile and big blue eyes.  You often look surprised.  You like to bite my legs when I'm sitting on a chair - particularly if I'm not paying enough attention to you.  You also LOVE to pull hair.  Any one's hair.  And the more the squirm the funnier you think it is.  (Just a note, we don't think it's funny! :) )

You are the "best baby" at church most of the time...although they probably say that to all the moms.  You have a mouth full of teeth.  You like to eat pretty much everything although you have just discovered meat and seem to think it's awesome.

Kiddo, you are happy and cheerful most of the time.  You fuss when you are super tired or occasionally just plain mad.  You don't like to be left out of anything and you think exploring the house with no gates is the best thing ever.  You love your brothers and sisters.  You delight me and I can't wait to get to know you more!


For your birthday dinner we had:
Macaroni and cheese...because you seem to like it.  With some chicken.

For your birthday cake you had:
Cupcakes!  French vanilla with chocolate frosting. 

Your favorite toys are:
Anything you can get your hands on, especially if it belongs to someone else.  You seem to particularly enjoy stealing things from Levi.  You like things you can chew on!

You don't like:
Being locked in the living room.  Being strapped in anywhere.  Mom walking away from you. 


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