To Isaac, On your first birthday!
Kiddo I love you. You are a happy, sweet kiddo and I am so thankful we have you. You are quick with a smile and a delight. You like to wrestle your brothers and be loved on by your sisters. You and Levi are best buds - he still likes to "hold" you even though you are almost as big as he is. You like to play with cars, steal things from your brothers and try to walk. You also like to nose dive off my lap because you think flipping over is hilarious.
For your birthday dinner we had:
Brisket that daddy cooked for 24 hours! (Ok, not quite but almost) Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma, Aunt Becki, Maddie, Miss Aleni and Aunt Janet all came over (and your daddy, me and your brothers and sisters)
For your birthday cake you had:
A gumball machine!
Your favorite toys are:
Car, blocks, anything you can chew on
You don't like:
Being alone at night, the dark, being stuck when your brothers are roaming free in the house, having to wait for food :)
Sweet Isaac! That gumball machine cake is clutch! So cute!