How am I doing?

I'm good thanks for asking.  It seems like after a new baby I get asked that a lot.  Most days I'm great.  I'm a little sleepy on nights when the wee one doesn't want to sleep after his second bottle.  But yes, at 6 weeks he is generally only waking up for two bottles a night so I have little room to complain.  (With the twins at this point I think I was still prepping 8-10 bottles PER NIGHT for them.)

I am finding that adjusting to baby #5 isn't nearly as difficult as it might sound at first pass.  (And again, please remember I have easy babies.  They sleep well and aren't super cranky.  I am NOT supermom.)  He is a delightful little one and I'm excited for him to be a bit more interactive, but at this point he is a good cuddle-er.  What I have to remember though is that even though he is delightful to cuddle (and needs it a lot for comfort as all newborns do) he cannot take all of my "touch time" in a day.  You know that point when you just want people to stop touching you?  Yeah, he gets a lot of that so I want to make sure to remember to hold and love on everyone else.

I've also found that the twins make parks So. Much. Harder.  To the point that I told Hubs I was not going to any parks this year without someone dedicated to helping me chase.  I went with one of my good friends and the boys looked around for a few minutes then ran toward the cars.  Relaxing it was not.  I'm hoping though as we get more into park season (and I get brave enough to try it again), we'll be able to get out some more.  Otherwise they are doomed to a summer in the stroller with me walking around the park while the girls play.  We will see.

School is going really well with Grace.  It is now on my checklist for three times a week instead of five.  My goal was to be "done" before Isaac arrived and frankly, I'm happy with what we did.  I would like to continue working on math and reading through the summer so we're going to have to keep up some sort of routine to make that happen.

I have been thinking a lot about why we have a big family and what that means.  I've decided that in order to say "children are a blessing" I have to make sure that I'm acting like it.  That doesn't mean I can't have my moments of lack of patience or tiredness, but generally, I want people to see and believe that I delight in my kiddos.  I hope that my life is a demonstration of delighting in children and training them well.  I also really want to make sure that there is a great balance of serving each other and just having fun!


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