Thankful Thursdays Top Ten #15
I am thankful for... 1. Friends who take time on their day off to play at the park with us. Seriously the text message of "I have the day off, what is something that is hard for you to do with all the kids that we can go do?" was amazing. We went and we played hard at the park. Erica also took a lot of pictures that are too cute! I can't wait to see them all. 2. Having the Hubs here to help me parent. When dealing with children's attitude issues sometimes a fresh set of eyes is helpful. I'm glad I don't have to do this alone. 3. Girls who love to color. Seriously. They get up from their naps and color for an hour in my office almost every day. It's beautiful. I get more work done and they are happy. Granted, my office is usually trashed at the end of it, but whatever! :) 4. Home Fellowship Group (aka Bible study). We've been on break for a little bit but are starting up next week. I'm excited. 5. Hom...