Rachel's Birth Story - 6/16/2020

Rachel Lynn Kilby Born June 16, 2020 - 5:34am (41w2d) 9lbs 10oz, 21.5in Whew. Rachel is here, healthy and all the drama listed below was worth it, let's just settle that before digging in. Important things to note are that she was a VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section) and that can complicate things a bit - or at least it seems to set people on edge a bit differently than a regular birth. She was also nine days "late" which is just not unusual for me. I was told by the Doctor who was overseeing my care that I wouldn't be "allowed" to go over 41 weeks. I was tired, uncomfortable, and large...so I was completely fine with that. Imagine my surprise when I went to my last appointment before that 41 week mark and no induction was scheduled. It was a rough day. Fortunately my mom came over, I ate Oreos, took a nap, and then moved on with my life. Aaron said I only had to be mature about it for f...