Why I Switched...Spiral Notebooks to Charts (Homeschool)

I read a post awhile ago about using spiral notebooks to write assignments for kiddos. The idea was by writing them down you'd have a good idea of how long their assignments would take as well as making it an easy way to have accountability for completion. I thought this was the best idea ever so I ran with it. During her first and second grade year this was the method we used. I ran into two problems... 1. I can't do one day at a time... I don't have the discipline to do it every night and I really like to plan so it ended up with weeks being done at a time. 2. Heaven forbid we fall behind. It was a mess. Things were crossed off and written on the next day. We skipped days of school to catch up in the one subject we were behind in. The problems were silly, but they were real. When she started third grade and I had a new first grader the prospect of trying to maintain this method with two kids seemed SO overwhelming. I didn't...