Thankful Thursdays 2015 #8

Life does not slow down.  Ever.  I think as we get older it just goes faster.  Ah well.  Last Thursday I was busy packing and scrubbing my house since my parents were going to stay here while I spent the weekend in Nashville with the hubs.  It was Awesome.  I'm thankful we had time away because it is just going to keep getting crazier.  Today I packed my hospital bag basics and had the girls pack overnight bags just in case.  Seems early and Abi was VERY disappointed to find out he was not going to be here RIGHT NOW...we talked about how babies decide when to arrive a bit...but she was still not impressed.  Ah well :)

1. I'm thankful for last weekend's getaway.  We hardly ever go anywhere overnight by ourselves and it was nice just to relax and enjoy each other's company and not have a schedule to be on (other than once concert we had tickets for).

2. I am thankful for 36 weeks of uneventful pregnancy.  I go to the doctor tomorrow morning and then am on every week appointments until he decides to show up.  I'm pretty excited.  :)  I'm still guess he will be late but we will see :)

3. I'm excited to be planning next year's school for the girls.  (I know, I'm a nerd.)  I'm just thankful that they are excited to learn and hoping that continues next year when we have a regular full school day.

4. I am thankful (as usual) to be able to work from home.  Some people mock me for never leaving the house, but I seriously have enough to get done here that I'm absolutely fine with it 95% of the time and thankful that I get to focus on my home.

5. I am thankful for Harvest House and this ministry we are involved with.  I am working on new fundraising thoughts to get our numbers up to where they need to be, but I'm thankful for that because I think God will grow me in that process.  I'm also thankful for some new ideas/systems to try to keep everyone on schedule.

6. I am thankful that my boys are back to 'normal' after being sick.  The girls too but the boys got in a habit of being held constantly and while I love to hold and cuddle them, I can't do it all day every day so it's been nice to see them play independently again.

7. I'm thankful for feeling less sick myself.  My sore throat is gone so now I just need to get rid of this congestion.  It'll happen :)

8. I'm thankful for friends who I know are always there.

9. I'm thankful for a pile of snack food that my mom brought by - apparently they noticed a severe shortage of snacks while they were here :)

10. I'm thankful that God works out all things for His good, even when I'm slow to see it.


  1. I checked last week and this morning. It was a pleasant surprise to see you posted this afternoon :) Miss you! 4ish more weeks!! I can't wait to meet the little man!


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