Thankful Thursdays 2015 #7

This week...oh, this week.  We have spent most of our days on the couch trying to kick this germ that has infested bodies.  Fortunately other than a sore throat and a bit of a cough, I'm doing alright which allows me to care for everyone else better.  The downside is all these poor little people want to be cuddle (and cough in my face) and there is only so much lap left at this point.  Fortunately as they are getting better they want to get up and run so they are taking turns pretty well :)

Things I'm thankful for...

1. That my refining process isn't done yet.  Oh my, I love where I'm at compared to where I've been but I want to see where I'm going.  I just hate some of my attitudes and initial responses and I'm hoping those continue to be refined.

2. I am thankful for the doctors taking JJ's sickness seriously, telling me I've done the right things and working on getting this under control.  I am an under-reacting mom, I will own that but I am thankful that we are catching his sickness early this time and hopefully staying out of the hospital.  (He and Levi both tested positive for RSV.  J is on a steroid and breathing treatments to keep his breathing under control.  He and Levi are both on a decongestant).

3. I am thankful for Bible study nights and being able to encourage those around me.

4. I am thankful that I have learned to appreciate the awkward silence - both in conversation in taking a moment to gather my thoughts, and throughout my days and prayers as it seems I just sit and wait but really am gaining instruction and wisdom.

5. I am thankful for my parents and Aunt coming over to watch the kids yesterday.  I love date night.

6. I am thankful that God loves me just as I am (is that the same as #1?  That's where I'm at right now, sorry guys)

7. I am thankful for 6 weeks (ish) left of this pregnancy.  I'm ready to have this boy here and love on him.  I am also thankful that his sisters love him so much already - even if they don't want to share their bedroom.

8. I am thankful for the Bible and absolute truth.

9. I am thankful that so far, every month I've had words for a newsletter...even if it is very last minute.

10. I am thankful for the book Made to Crave even though I feel like I'm failing miserably at cutting out sugar...but that being said it IS better than what it used to be.  I have work left to do.


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