Thankful Thursdays 2015 #6

I missed a week.  And while I knew about it and I was bummed about it, I've given myself the grace to move on with my life.  Thank you for understanding :)  I feel like I'm finally in that season of life where if I fall short of my own goals, I can be ok with that.  I'm not saying I don't try and I don't do my best but I'm not going to hold myself to some arbitrary standard and beat myself up for it.  Life is too short for that.

This week I'm thankful for...

1. My husband.  He is one of those guys who I fell in love with and have fallen more in love with since then.  For our anniversary he bought me a glider (like a rocking chair but way better for those that are not familiar) and roses.  He knows what delights my heart and I appreciate that so much about him.  He also came home today with two dressers for the boys room and a baby swing because he knew they were on my list of 'needs'.  I'm thankful for the way he takes care of us and provides but more for how he takes care of our hearts.

2. I am thankful for Grace and her love even while she is sick.  It's been hanging on there for awhile.  I think tomorrow is going to be a mandatory PJ and movie day because she just isn't feeling well.  I hate when she gets like that but fortunately, like me, she doesn't get sick often...but also like me, when she does it tends to be a doozy.

3. I'm thankful for Abi and the twins because they just show me what joy ought to look like.  I don't even think I can put words on it but they each have this expression of sheer joy and I'm so thankful to get to witness it (and sometimes even cause it!).

4. I am thankful for truth.  I'm thankful that when I am feeling ungrounded I know I can always run to the Bible and find my footing again.

5. I am thankful that although it feels like torture, I have stuck with getting up early MOST days to read my Bible, pray and focus before I start my day.  I was hoping to get some work done in this time frame but I've found that once I get through my quiet time there isn't much time left so that's been a wash...but I'm ok with that!

6. I am thankful for my people.  I'm thankful for the ones who I can go to and ask for help and wisdom and encouragement.  I am fortunate to have a list of people I could call who would drop everything if I needed them to.  Not everyone can say that and I am so thankful for the people in my life.

7. I am thankful for a full freezer and full pantry.  We were able to pick up meat and other donations last week and it is just amazing what a difference that makes.

8. I am thankful I got to speak in church on Sunday (and only started tearing up once!).  I haven't seen it yet but it sounds like it went well.  I mean, when you talk about toilet paper in church can you really go wrong? 

9. I am thankful for my full, busy house.  I know some people think that this many kids or all my 'extra' people are crazy...but I think I would go nuts without them.  They keep me sane even when making me crazy :)

10. I am thankful for nesting.  Ya'll should see how clean the closets, cabinets and bathrooms are.  (Ok, just one bathroom because that bleach smell makes me woozy...and Emily you're right, it's a sense of accomplishment when it's done!)

11,  I'm thankful for comments ya'll leave...oh wait....   :)


  1. I read! I read! And now... I'll comment!

    I think about #6 a lot actually... I remember you saying this to me and discussing how many people would drop everything if I needed them to or asked them to. My number has dropped significantly from what I used to think it was.. but I'm thankful for the ones I truly can call "my people". Some are unexpected, and some have always been there, but all in all, I have a good group.

    Love you!


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