To Levi, on your 9th birthday



 You are an awesome kid.  I am so thankful to watch you grow and learn.  I feel like this year you have really just blossomed in your efforts to be thoughtful and helpful.  You've gone out of your way to help your sisters and help me out.  You also are so good with Lily - always willing to help, take her out, and help train her. 

You are so fun.  You are full of energy, always awake early and you just GO all day.  You love to play Nintendo, hate to take rests, and enjoy building Legos.  You are creative in how you solve problems and often think quickly.  You LOVE a good joke and often crack me up with things you are coming up with.

School has been good for you this year.  You are doing really well with your math on the computer and I think you like the freedom of doing it yourself.  You have managed to be in charge of the dishwasher most mornings and often will start breakfast for me too.

We went to the zoo recently and you were so brave going on rides and trying new things.  I am always so proud of you when you try things (or when you decide you don't want to and stick to your guns!).  

I'm proud of you kiddo, you are a delightful young man and I hope you grow up to be kind and gentlehearted.



Birthday cake: Blueberry batter cake

Birthday Dinner: Pizza

Favorite Toys: Legos and Nintendo

Favorite Thing to Play: Nintendo

Least Favorite Thing: Anything that you feel like is unnecessary or gets in the way of a mission you are on


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