To Faith, on your 4th Birthday!

 Faith Lorraine,

You are such a sweet kid.  Your name will always be a testament to how you came into this world, but I hope it will be a testament to who you are in the future too.  You are sweet, funny, sassy, and confident.  You are not afraid of people unless you are being shy.  You LOVE Abi and all your brothers and sisters.  I think you like sharing a room with Rachel because you are the big kid in there!

You love to play with dolls, especially the stuffed dog you received for Christmas.  You like to color although you still can't be trusted completely to not color on yourself.  You love with the big girls paint your nails or take time to do your hair special.

You can hold your own with the boys and are often at the center of all the action.  You like to remind us all that God made me, God loves me, and Jesus is my friend.  You are just a joy, my love and I am so glad to be your momma!  It is such a privileged and I can't wait to learn more about who you are going to be!

Love always,


Birthday cake: Chocolate teddy bear cake with purple frosting (like last year!)  - Grandma made it!

Birthday Dinner: Hamburgers and "big fat potatoes" aka homemade steak fries

Favorite Toys: Your dog, your flower garden set, and magnatiles

Favorite Thing to Play: Anything Abi is involved in, anything that makes you one of the big kids

Least Favorite Thing: Take naps!


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