To Abi, on your 11th birthday!

 Abi Ann,

Oh my sweet girl, happy birthday.  You are such a delight and it has been so fun to watch you blossom into an amazing young lady.  You are, by far, the quietest kiddo we have.  You don't talk a lot so when you do I try to make sure I am paying attention.  I have been so impressed with you this school year too.  You are so excited about science and always want to work ahead.  You are also working independently on English and math and it's been fun to watch you thrive.

You are gentle and kind with a streak of intense.  You look out for an take care of your siblings and people around you, but if someone messes with them (or they mess with you!) you will defend.  You are super creative and constantly working on new sewing or creative projects.

One of your favorite things to do, still, is go to the river with Dad.  I have also watched you become more involved with the garden this year - picking beans, noticing things about plants, and asking good questions.  It's fun to watch you explore new interests.

You don't know this yet, but today Grandma is coming over so you and I can go pick out some new craft supplies as one of your birthday gifts.  I am excited to spend some time with you!  We are also doing the Awana Carnival tonight so you get two days of birthday this year since we won't be home to do a big dinner tonight!

I love you sweet girl.  I am so proud to be your momma.

Love always,

Birthday cake: Pineapple upside down cake that we'll work on together!  Orange sherbet

Birthday Dinner: Orange chicken (with pineapple chunks!)

Favorite Toys: Anything creative, the Nintendo Switch

Favorite Thing to Play: Creative things and made up games.  You are spending a lot of free time right now sewing and doing extra science lessons

Least Favorite Thing: When people are frustrated and you feel like it is directed at you


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