To Levi, On your 8th birthday!


 You are the kiddo that made me a boy mom.  Who knew you guys would be so darn cool.  I am so glad to be your momma - my heart is so happy today.  You are such a strong leader.  You have great ideas and I love the way you think through problems you see.  You are creative and passionate and you delight in so many things.

 Lately I have seen you working on Legos and building sets more and more.  Your persistence and the way you slow down to figure out the instructions is awesome.  You don't give up easily and you are learning to ask for help when you need it.  

You love to steal my phone to take pictures - often awkward selfies - or to call Grandma and Papa.  She still thinks you're awesome for calling her on Grandparent's Day.  

You are so quick to help with chores or your little sisters (and brothers).  You see problems and try to solve them.  You are still my early riser - often awake before I am (and I get up at 6:30!).  You help with the dishwasher every morning and make things easier for me whenever you can.  You still like a good nap, probably because you are awake so early.

You are PASSIONATE about clean up time, often willing to do all the toy clean up yourself, because next comes your Nintendo turn.  You LOVE video games.  I am so impressed with how you learn about the things you care about and how you problem solve and keep trying in that too. 

I love you kiddo.  You make the world a better place and I'm glad you're mine.


Birthday cake: Pineapple Upside Down didn't like it

Birthday Dinner: chicken tenders and fries

Favorite Toys: Nintendo

Favorite Thing to Play: Any building set

Least Favorite Thing: Being put on the spot answering questions or feeling shy


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