To Timothy, on your 4th birthday!



 You my sweet boy are a crazy little four year old.  You have the BIGGEST grin and go from completely calm to completely amped faster than anyone I've seen.  You still like to cuddle up with me, you give the best kisses and you are more compassionate than most four year olds I've met.

You LOVE dinosaurs.  You're obsessed.  You spent 15 minutes reminding me of some 70 dinosaur names the other day.  This also tells me you are smart, so smart!  The words you say and things you remember about each one is impressive.  When asked, you'll tell me you want to be a paleontologist and that I will come see you at the museum one day where you are putting together dinosaur bones.

Currently you take naps in my bed because you don't settle down with your brothers in your room.  It is a sweet time and sometimes you ask me to hold you.  Generally you bring a dinosaur or two and your dad has been stabbed in the back with them on multiple occasions.

You are a delight.  You are into everything.  You keep me on my toes and keep my heart filled up.  I am so glad to be your momma and cannot wait to see the young man you grow into!!

Love you, 


Birthday cake: Chocolate, chocolate with graham cracker "dirt" and two dinos on top!

Birthday Dinner: Pizza!

Favorite Toys: Dinosaurs

Favorite Thing to Play: Dinosaurs.  You and Isaac play pretend for HOURS and play so well together most of the time!

Least Favorite Thing: Cleaning up, staying in your room at night :)


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