To Abi on your FIFTH Birthday!

My dear Abi Ann,

I am writing this without reading what I've said to you in past years.  I may say the same things.  You are my little ginger girl, a delight to all and an absolute sweetie.  Recently you will come over and tell me you love me, unprompted and that I'm beautiful.  Sweetie, you're beautiful. 

You spend HOURS in the coloring room creating and thinking and dreaming.  You make all kinds of creations and all kinds of mess but I love to see how your brain is working.  You are talented in ways your momma is not and I pray you never lose that creativity. 

You are also incredibly stubborn and set in your ways.  Right now that can be really hard and leads us to some tense moments, but kiddo I pray that God continues to refine that quality in you so that it is used for His glory as you get bigger.  Knowing right from wrong and stubbornly refusing to bend is a beautiful thing and I pray that for your life, even when it feels hard now.

You are a delight my girl.  You still love to crawl in my lap but you are NOT a little kid anymore.  You have big ideas and great dreams.  Instead of saying "I didn't know that" you say things like "I didn't notice that"...I'm not sure why but I can't correct you.  Instead of oatmeal you still say oap-a-meal.  That's fine.  You'll figure it out soon enough.

I love you darling girl and am so thankful you're mine.  Keep getting bigger, even when I ask you to stop and always know that you are loved intensely by me and Daddy.

Love always,

Your favorite foods are:
Pizza, cereal, waffles...all the healthy stuff :)

For your birthday:

You want a pink butterfly cake and pizza

Your favorite toys are:
Dolls, all things arts and crafts and puzzles

You don't like:

When people hurt your feelings, feeling left out or when you can't play the game you want.  You are also highly offended when people don't love and appreciate every picture you give them :)


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