Life & Waiting

I have a love/hate relationship with waiting for babies.  Logically I know I'll be spending the next 18-20 years with this boy...but that doesn't make these next couple of weeks feel any shorter!  Last week the baby was transverse (sideways) across my stomach which is an automatic C-section if he presents that way when I'm in labor.  Fortunately he is now (well, as of Wednesday) either butt down (breech) or head down (ideal!).  Either way is better!  I'm still praying he is head down because that is best case for all of us.  We shall see.  This is one active baby but I think I've said that about all of them.  Either way, I can't wait to meet him and I'm confident God has his birth all under control.

Life these days is a little nutty.  I feel like they are periods of rushing followed by periods of waiting - within the same day.  When the kiddos are sleeping it is always a mad rush to do as much as I can, but when they are up the time slows down a bit.  I'm trying to hold onto those moments better, cuddle a kid, play a game rather than trying to "accomplish" something.  It's all a mix and the days are all different.

Our routine looks a little like this now...

9am - Breakfast (because our times stop pretty much after that)
The girls do their Bible (God Time cards from church) while I clean up from breakfast and the boys start a show, usually Barney.
Then the boys keep watching a show, Abi does school work with me and Grace starts in on her History and Science.
Then we play and hang out until lunch time around 12.
During naps I usually try to read my Bible and take a short rest.  The younger four all nap.  Grace works on math, spelling and grammer.  She spends the rest of rest time either coloring or being creative, playing games on the tablet or finishing up school work.  I do my work in the office.

Evenings are still my hardest time.  I'm tired, they have all kinds of just up from nap energy.  I'm thankful it is cooling down so we can go outside.  They also find amazing ways to entertain themselves.  They are also insane mess makers...but fortunately getting much better at cleaning up after themselves :)

I can't believe birthday season is upon us.  Grace will be 7 in September, Abi is 5 in two weeks.  The boys are going to be three!  I'm not even sure how that happened!  Life just keeps on going and I'm thankful that most days we are present and enjoying it and not just letting the time tick by.


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