To Faith, On your 3rd birthday!



 You are a delight and a whirlwind.  You are sweetness and energy and joy all balled up in one tiny girl.  You have crazy curls, a quick grin, and a sassy side you aren't afraid to let show.  You keep me on my toes!  You love to play with the big girls and often go to their room to put on makeup...most often when they aren't in there and you aren't allowed.  You play with Abi as often as you can but basically everyone is your favorite. 

You can spend hours coloring or working on your "school binder" of coloring pages and stickers.  Play-doh makes you happy and you have stopped eating it!  You are easily my best sleeper and lately have done a great job showing Rachel how big girls sleep!  You tell me regularly "I do me-self!" and don't want help with anything lately.  That's ok though, you are mastering some great skills even though it does make things a bit more messy and a bit more slow.

You LOVE baths and you love to swing outside.  You like church once you are in your classroom although you haven't been sure lately about actually going in.  You like to help Grace with bunny chores and you always want to go see Grandma.

 You my dear are a delight and I love you.  Your little voice sings Jesus Loves Me and You Are My Sunshine almost every night and it makes my heart so happy.  I pray you grow up to love Jesus as much as He loves you and you know you are always my sunshine!

Love always,


Birthday cake: Purple teddy bear!

Birthday Dinner: Pizza!

Favorite Toys: Play-doh, dolls, coloring

Favorite Thing to Play: Sister's makeup and nailpolish :)  Swinging and reading books

Least Favorite Thing: Being told she can't "do me-self" or getting her hair brushed!



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