To Isaac, on your sixth birthday!



 You are a delight!  You are such a quiet, considerate kid and it is so fun to be your momma.  You hate when I leave and wait by the back door to give me at least one, but sometimes five, hugs and kisses good bye.  You want to know exactly when I'll be back and why do I need to leave anyway?  You play so well with all your brothers and sister, you hate being left out, and you almost always have gum in your mouth.

It has been a joy to watch you mature this past year - your behavior, obedience, and consideration of others has all grown remarkably.  You are my kid most likely to be found happily playing alone and Legos are almost always your toy of choice.  

You are so sweet with Rachel and Faith. You love to 'wrestle' Rae and forget that she is so much smaller than you.  You do so well with your school work when I can convince you to stop playing for a few minutes to get it done!  

Young man, I love you and I am SO SO proud of you.  You're such a delight!

Love always,


Birthday cake: Strawberry Cake with chocolate frosting and you made the 'scribble monster' on top!

Birthday Dinner: Momma's chicken pot pie!

Favorite Toys: Legos

Favorite Thing to Play: Anything with your siblings

Least Favorite Thing: Feeling left out


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