My Crazy Life

I recently decided I should scrap the blog and create a YouTube channel and do a Vlog instead...but ya'll KNOW my house isn't quiet enough that I could ever make that work.  Really, my problem has been that I write these blog posts in my head that are perfectly executed but never type them up instead of just using this as a journal to remember what my crazy life is like RIGHT NOW.

Currently - my life is crazy.  Let's recap.  The kids are 7, 5, 3, 3, 2 and 8 months.  That's a little nuts right?  My 8 month old doesn't like to sleep and is currently a huge grump (he is teething so I don't blame him).  It's just loud and crazy and delightful and sleep deprived and all sorts of good and a little bit of hard.  Ok, sometimes a lot of hard but the good kind of hard you know?   And as another blogger often reminds me, hard is not the same as bad.

Right Now:

We are still doing Harvest House - in our fourth year!

We are still homeschooling - Abi is almost reading, planning for next year (more on that in another post), and things are going pretty well.  I'm going rogue next year and scrapping almost all of the curriculum I've been using!

I'm still selling on eBay for Harvest Youth and doing all that.  I teach Sunday School every other month (I should probably pull up the lesson for this week soon).  Aaron is leading worship, running the thrift store and being all around awesome.  He made me cookies as big as my face last night so I could eat my feelings.  He gets me.

All in all, life is nuts but the inability to sit down and type out the perfect blog post is not going to stop me from journaling my life and how we do things now because I want to remember this happy, crazy time!


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